Halo teman-teman
Bertemu dengan aku lagi, kemarin aku udah membahas materi tentang kuesioner. Disini aku akan membahas tentang apa sih teks recount itu? ada yang tau apa itu teks recount?? kalau belum simak sampai selesai ya

Langkah pertama, kita akan mengetahui tentang pengertian teks recount, fungsi recount teks itu apa lalu jenis teks recount. mari kita penjelasan dibawah ini. 

1. Definition 

A type of text that contains the author's experience expressed through a paragraph with the aim of entertaining or providing information. 

2. Purpose 

Recount text aims to provide information about an event to the reader, or entertain the reader.

3. Text structure

1.) Orientation 

Provide an introduction in the form of information about who, where, when the event or event occurred in the past. In this section, you are expected to provide the reader with the necessary information to understand the entire text. 

2.) Events 

Convey or narrate events or incidents that occurred. like on the first day, on the next day, on the last day, etc.

3.) Reorientation

Is the repetition stage of the introduction in the first stage. You can write a summary of all the incidents or incidents being told. You can also write personal comments or impressions about events or incidents that have occurred.

4. Expression / sentence

1.) Using the past tense, such as going, leaving, going, getting up, etc.

2.) Using adverbs and adverb phrases to express time, place and manner, such as last September, Pari Island, on the second day, etc.

3.) Using conjunctions and time conjunctions to sequence events or incidents, such as and, before, then, after that, are presented chronologically so that the contents of the text can be understood properly.

4.) There is no conflict told by the author.

Selain penjelasan diatas, teks recount juga memiliki jenis jenis yang harus kita ketahui seperti berikut,

5. Simple types of recount text
1.) Personal Recount 
The aim is to tell the author's personal experience. An example of a personal account could be a blog post about the author's personal experience while on vacation, the writer's long message to a friend about an incident, and many more.
2.) Factual Recount 
Serves to present reports of events that really happened, for example, reports about science experiments, the discovery of an innovation, or even reports from the police or other authorities.
3.) Imaginative 
Serves to tell events that actually did not happen or are imaginative. This type of recount text can be a story about the author's dreams, plans, or other things that haven't actually happened or want to happen.
4.) Historical Recount 
Serves to tell something that is considered historical. The history that is told really happened in the past. For example, stories about the proclamation of Indonesian independence, events that occurred during the World War, and other historical moments. 
5.) Literary Recount
This kind of recount writing is all about entertainment. They can be about fictional or real events and involve real or fictional characters.

6. Sample 
1.) Historical Recount


2.) Personal Recount

3.) Factual Recount

4.) Imaginative Recount

Nah dari contoh diatas kalian udah paham belum tentang contoh jenis recount text, aku akan memberikan satu contoh lagi. ini berdasarkan mimpi ku tapi aku hanya sampai dibagian dia memperkenalkan diri sebagai peri hehe..

7. Writing Recount Text 

Membuat teks Recount menyenangkan bukan? dari cerita mimpi bisa menjadi cerita imajinasi yang dapat dibaca orang banyak melalui teks recount. jangan lupa buat tampilan yang menarik ya agar dapat dibaca banyak orang. 

Jadi gimana teman-teman, apakah kalian udah mengerti tentang berbagai jenis teks recount , tujuan teks recount, dan cara membuatnya. ayoo jangan ragu mencoba membuat teks recount ya, barangkali dari teks recount kamu dapat menjadi penulis terkenal. Sampai disini dulu penjelasan dariku semoga dapat membantu ya, see you!!! 

References :,aktivitas%20sebelum%20seseorang%20menuliskan%20teks


  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Materi kamu udah bagus April! Tingkatin lagi yaa
    Untuk gambar lebih baik lagi kalau bisa lebih jelas (lebih besar atau dibikin biar nggak pecah). Tetep semangatt!

  3. Halo April...secara keseluruhan materi kamu sudah sangat baikk, akan lebih baik lagi kalau gambarnya dapat diperbesar atau diperjelas... Tetap semangat terus ya!!!


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