Halo teman-teman
Bertemu dengan aku lagi, kemarin aku udah membahas
materi tentang tabel, lalu disini aku akan membahas tentang apa sih survei itu?
pasti dari kalian ga asing sama kata survei, nah aku akan menjelaskan tentang
survei, simak sampai habis ya.
Langkah pertama, kita akan mengetahui tentang
pengertian survei, fungsi survei dalam kehidupan sehari hari kita itu apa? mari
kita lihat pengertian dibawah ini
1. Definition
primary data collection method by providing questions to individual respondents
2. Function
2.) Seeking factual information from a group, area, etc.;
3.) Evaluate and compare things that have been done by other people in dealing with similar matters;
4.) Conducted on a number of individuals/units either by census or by sample; and
5.) Results for planning and decision making;
3. Purpose
2) Explain or explain (study a phenomenon).
3) While other survey objectives are:
4) Presenting data from research objects,
5) And interpret and analyse it systematically
4. Expression to explain /
1.) Do you know the advertisement from brand X?
Answer: Yes/No
2.) How often do you hear the jingle of brand X?
Answer: Very often / Often / Rarely / Never
3.) From whom did you know brand X?
Answer: Friends / Family / Colleagues / Not All
4.) When do you usually access social media?
Answer: Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Evening
5.) Have you ever seen Brand X collaborate with someone?
Answer: Yes/No
6.) Are the prices offered by our store comparable to the quality of the goods?
Answers: Yes/No
7.) Our store always provides original goods of the highest quality
Answer: agree / disagree
8.) Store Kita contact persons are quick and responsive in serving consumers' chat
Answers can be on a scale of 1-10, which the larger the scale, the more interesting
9.) How interesting are the promos that are often released by our store?
Answers: agree/disagree/undecided
10.) Store Kita provides honest and satisfying service
Answers: agree/disagree/doubtful
11.) Do you agree if Store Kita opens a membership card program? Customers will get more benefits with this card
Answers: agree/disagree/don't know
• Surveys that can be carried out orally, by telephone or interview.
2.) If you were an ice cream flavor, what flavor would you be and why?
3.) What's your favorite song?
4.) What's your scariest animal?
5.) What year would you visit if you had a time machine?
Nah gimana teman-teman, dengan penjelasan singkat dari aku apakah kalian udah paham tentang apa itu survei, lalu fungsi dan tujuan dibuat survei untuk apa. aku akan kasih contoh tentang jenis jenis survei yang ada
1.) Multiple Choice
4.) Rangking
5.) Semantic Differential
6.) Close Ended
7.) Scale Matrix
8.) Pie chart
Setelah beberapa contoh jenis survei yang aku berikan kalian masih merasa bingung atau udah mengerti? atau ingin contoh yang lain? sini aku kasih contoh lain, kebetulan aku membuat survei tentang ketetarikan seseorang terhadap membaca buku atau sebuah cerita
5. Writing a survey
Gambar diatas adalah hasil survei dalam bentuk pie chart, kalian dapat membuatnya sendiri dengan cara,
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