Halo teman-teman
Bertemu dengan aku lagi, kemarin aku udah membahas materi tentang survei. Disini aku akan membahas tentang apa sih kuesioner itu? survei dan kuesioner hampir sama lho jadi simak sampai habis ya biar tau perbedaan dari keduanya
Langkah pertama, kita akan mengetahui tentang pengertian kuesioner, fungsi kuesioner yang dapat kalian lihat dibawah ini
1. Definition
Questionnaire is a list of questions given to respondents
directly or indirectly. Questionnaire consist of a series of written questions.
The requirements for the contents of the questionnaire are simple, the size is clear,
the questions are not long-winded, the questions must be categorized, don't be
2. Function
questionnaire have the goal of collecting data from respondents relatively
3. 3. Types
1) Open
Questionnaire: in which respondents can write personal opinions in the list of
questions listed.
2) Closed
Questionnaire: in which the list of questions is accompanied by a choice of
answers at once.
3) Mixed
Questionnaire: used to obtain a series of research data in the form of numbers.
4. Expression
Open Questionnaire :
your opinion, what is the role of BPJS in people's daily lives?
your opinion, is BPJS really helping the community in overcoming hospital
your opinion, is the visual learning method good for students?
your opinion, do children who actively play online games lose their focus on
your opinion, what is the right way to deal with malaria outbreaks?
Closed Questionnaire :
1) Are
the books available in the library sufficient to meet your learning needs?
Answer: Yes No
2) Are
visual learning methods good for students?
Answer: Yes No
Nah gimana teman-teman, setelah melihat penjelasan diatas apakah kalin udah paham tentang apa itu kuesionir, lalu fungsi dan jenis-jenis kuesionir. nah berikut aku akan kasih perbedaan dan persamaan survei dan kuesioner
5. Differences and Similarities between surveys and
6. Sample
Selain persaaman atau perbedaan survei dan kuesioner, ternyata kuesioner memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan sendiri seperti :
Kekurangan :
1.) Informasi tidak valid.
2.) Beresiko menimbulkan salah paham.
3.) Kualifikasi respon terbatas.
4.) Kualitas data kurang.
Kelebihan :
1.) Tidak memakan waktu.
2.) Tidak harus tatap muka
3.) Responden bisa merahasiakan identitas.
4.) Efisien.
Jadi gimana teman-teman, apakah kalian udah mengerti tentang berbagai jenis kuesioner, baik berupa pengertian, fungsi, jenis, maupun contoh. ayoo mulai belajar membuat kuesioner, karena kuesioner itu dapat berperan penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Sampai sini dulu penjelasan dariku semoga dapat membantu ya, see you!!!
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