Halo teman-teman
Bertemu dengan aku lagi, kemarin aku udah membahas materi tentang teks analiti. Nah disini aku akan membahas tentang apasih teks argumen itu? hayoo ada yang udah tau tentang teks argumen tidak? kalau belum ayoo lihat penjelasan dibawah ini
Bertemu dengan aku lagi, kemarin aku udah membahas materi tentang teks analiti. Nah disini aku akan membahas tentang apasih teks argumen itu? hayoo ada yang udah tau tentang teks argumen tidak? kalau belum ayoo lihat penjelasan dibawah ini
Langkah pertama sebelum kita masuk ke contohnya kita harus mengenal apa itu teks argumen
1. Definition
- Argumentative text is a text whose contents are in the form of opinions that are strengthened by evidence, reasons, and examples, so that the reader can trust the author's argument.
- According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), an argumentative text is a text that contains reasons to strengthen or reject an opinion, position, or idea.
2. Purpose (Function)
To convince the reader
to be able to accept, take, or be affected by the contents or statements
contained in the argumentation text. To prove a truth that is
equipped with data or facts as reasons or justification for his opinion from
the reader.
3. Text structure
1.) Opener
The introduction or part of the presentation of the thesis. where we can convey the basic arguments that we have.
The introduction or part of the presentation of the thesis. where we can convey the basic arguments that we have.
2.) Argument Body
Form of supporting
arguments. so that the arguments we have are strong and credible. Recognize the types of
cause and effect argumentative paragraphs
3.) Conclusion
Contains a summary of
all the things that you have conveyed in a text, and is located in the closing
4. Expression
Contains Emotional Words
(A variety of words that can evoke the emotions of the reader, mostly
Contains Affirmation
Conjunctions (even, besides, so)
Using the Present Tense
(When speaking English. In Indonesian it is not visible)
Argument text features
- The contents of the argumentation text provide an explanation of the ideas, opinions, or beliefs written by the author.
- Argumentative text requires facts that are equipped with valid data.
- The argumentation text contains text that gives opinions, but is also accompanied by clear data. The data contained in argumentation text is usually in the form of numbers, maps, graphs, or pictures.
- In making an argumentation text, sources or synthesis are needed, which means a new summary is needed in a text.
- Argumentative texts must also get sources from experience, research results, and validated reading materials.
- The analysis carried out or contained in the argumentation text is carried out by differentiating or separating and classifying something. Then, the results of the analysis that have been found can be summarized and compiled into new writing according to the topic of discussion. The synthesis here must be carried out objectively and critically.
- Argumentation text usually ends by writing a conclusion and a closing sentence that is used to strengthen the argument.
5. Types of argument text based on purpose
6. Type argument text
Logos : usually based on facts from real data.
Pathos : to strengthen his opinion, the writer uses arguments that touch
the feelings of his readers. Make them feel too.
Ethos : the main strength of this ethos lies in who wrote or who spoke
that opinion.
7. The difference between argumentative text and persuasive text
Argumentative text is
similar to persuasive text. Both also contain elements of persuasion or subtly
persuade, so that readers believe in what they read. Then, both of them carry
the core argument, which is then complemented by supporting arguments and
various evidences.
8. Sample
9. Writing Argumentative Teks
10. Vidio
Sebelumnya saya berterimakasih kepada guru saya yang telah memberikan tugas ini yang dapat bermanfaat bagi saya maupun beberapa orang yang membaca blog saya. Maaf bila ada salah pengucapan dalam vidio, atau mungkin saya tertalu belibet dalam membacanya. Thank you telah menonton.
Jadi gimana teman-teman, apakah kalian udah mengerti tentang berbagai apa itu teks argumen, cara pembuatannya, jenis teks argumen menurut tujuan atau strukturnya. ayoo kita semangat mempelajari teks argumen dalam bahasa inggris. Sampai sini dulu ya penjelasan dariku, semoga bermanfaat, sampai bertemu di blogku selanjutnya, see you !!!
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